This class, led by Pastor Jeff, will introduce you to the theology, history, and polity (organizational structure of United Methodism), as well as provide you the opportunity to get acquainted with others interested in learning more about Chapel Hill. The class is interactive and allows time for questions, comments, and clarifications.

Upcoming sessions to choose from are:

  • Sunday, June 2nd
  • Sunday, August 18th

All sessions are from 2:00 – 3:30 PM.

Daycare is provided up to 5 yrs. old. Email to register in-advance or just come on the day and join us!


Wednesday Night @ The Hill is the traditional weekday evening when Chapel Hillers of all ages come together to further their discipleship journey through weekly fellowship and learning. WN@TH takes place Wednesday nights from September through April and generally follows the academic calendar year, with holiday breaks in December and for Spring Break.


Make a difference in your church, your community, and yourself.

At Chapel Hill, we have something for everyone! There are opportunities to serve the congregation and the community ranging from regular weekly commitments to one time events.

Be a part of a SERVE! team that grows together as we share the love and grace of Jesus. Click the button below to explore opportunities to SERVE!


We are called to use our God-given time, talents, and treasures to become Christ to one another and to share our resources with the World (II Corinthians 9:6-15). Through our tithes and offerings, we promote Chapel Hill’s Kingdom work and glorify all that our Heavenly Father has given to us.

If you have any questions about giving at Chapel Hill, contact Julie Hey at